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The 2018 Sporting Chance Forum


12th - 13th December 2018

Meeting Report

The Meeting Report, written by the Centre for Sport and Human Rights, provides an overview of Forum sessions as well as the key messages of each panel discussion.

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Participant Reflections

As a follow up to the event, a series of participants at the Forum have given their take on the impact and outcomes of the discussions. Here they share their priorities on where the future work of the Centre should focus in order to support or improve the human rights of those affected by sport.

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About the Forum

The third annual Sporting Chance Forum brings together 250 high-level delegates from a broad range of stakeholders to drive progress toward a world of sport that fully respects human rights.

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Details of the agenda for the 2018 Sporting Chance Forum.

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All about the speakers who contributed to the 2018 Sporting Change Forum.

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Suggested resources for preparing for the Forum.

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Useful information regarding transport, accommodation and an overview of the schedule.

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Social Media

Hashtags, Twitter handles and resources for social media.

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Contact information for the forum.

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Further Support

Information and guidance to support attendees affected by any topics covered. The Sporting Chance Forum conversations on sexual abuse in sport have been developed to raise awareness of the issue in a supportive and constructive environment. But the content of these conversations can affect attendees in unanticipated ways.

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