HERO AC:EO Announcement

Fifth Edition Of The Mega-Sporting Events Host Government Forum

Past Event
28 Oct 2024 3:00pm to 28 Oct 2024 5:00pm (CET)
Geneva, Switzerland

The Sporting Event Host Government Forum (HGF) is an independent initiative of the Swiss Government, supported by the Centre for Sport and Human Rights (CSHR). 

The event provides a regular platform for informal dialogue and consultation among governments in relation to capacity building, implementation and good practices related to the protection and promotion of human rights associated with hosting major sporting events.

Under international law, governments have a duty to protect everyone within their territory and jurisdiction from human rights abuses - including those committed by third parties - by passing effective laws and regulations that prevent or address human rights abuses and ensure access to effective remedy through the court system or other legitimate non-judicial mechanisms for those whose rights have been violated. This is highly relevant in the context of major and Mega-Sporting events (MSEs), where government representatives play a critical role in actively protecting or using their leverage to ensure that entities within their jurisdiction (MSEs organisers, sponsors, public broadcasters, et.) respect the rights of all (potentially) affected stakeholders.

The 5th edition of the Sporting Event Host Government Forum brought together government representatives from more than 20 countries and provided the opportunity to learn more about past and future events around the world, including the FIFA Men’s World Cup 2022, the Paris 2024 Summer Olympics and Paralympics, UEFA Men’s Euro Championship 2024, Women’s Euro Championship 2025, and FIFA Men’s World Cup 2026.

The agenda featured interventions from participants representing or delegated by the Governments of Switzerland, Germany, France, Mexico and Qatar. Speakers addressed topics such as mapping human rights issues around the lifecycle of events, alignment of human rights roles and responsibilities among all actors involved, protection of construction workers and children ahead of Mega-Sporting events and the legacy of MSEs in terms of labour and workers’ warfare standards.

The Swiss Government will further promote these exchanges to ensure that future MSEs are successful in all aspects, to the benefit of all, with human rights due diligence becoming part of their DNA.

Host Government Forum exchanges will continue to inform the work of the Centre for Sport and Human Rights in the development of tools and resources with the help of sport ecosystem experts and actors, such as the Human Rights Playbook and the upcoming Toolkit on Meaningful Stakeholder Engagement, all aimed at advancing a world of sport that fully respects and promotes human rights by generating awareness, building capacity and delivering impact.

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