Sport, Business and Human Rights Meeting Report
Clifford Chance and the Centre for Sport and Human Rights brought together human rights experts with sports lawyers, legal advisers and representatives of sports bodies and their commercial partners, to discuss the roles of sporting organisations and their advisers in addressing a wide range of sport-related human rights issues including gender and non-discrimination, equality and fairness, workers’ rights and forced evictions. The half-day workshop discussed the frameworks within which human rights apply to the world of sport, with a focus on the corporate responsibility to respect human rights as stipulated by the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. The event provided an opportunity to share expertise and experiences and to discuss human rights considerations that arise every day in the sports industry.
The Chatham House Rule applied during the event. Therefore, this meeting report summarises the main themes discussed in each session and highlights key insights from the speakers. The views summarised herein are those of the speakers and not of the meeting hosts.